
Bretta smells the flowers

Bretta arrived here today and is doing great. She is such a sweet and mellow girl for 7 months old. She gets along well with my other dogs and couldn't care less about the cats as of yet. She sniffed one and moved on right away. She's also great and gentle with kids. Though she is a sweatheart she needs a little work on a leash and isn't completely potty trained. I will work on those things with her. She sits when asked and waits for a treat. She is also kennel trained and hasn't barked at all. We'll see what tomorrow brings and especially the night but so far so good. I'm so excited to have her as a foster. I fell in love with her the moment I met her. She just has very kind eyes and her temperment is just so sweet. Everyone is all about Bretta here at the rescue. I was a little nervous and thought I might have to have a throw down with some other fosters for her(haha). Hopefully her forever family comes soon before I become really attached. Don't worry forever family, there is no room for another over here at the funny farm. Otherwise, I might have to check myself in to the looney bin(jk). I can't wait to take her to the dog park and just out and about to show her off. Puppies need lots of different experiences. Well, that's all for now. I have to take her out again as she is a puppy and needs frequent potty breaks.

Thanks for thinking rescue,

Mrs. Funny Farm

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