
Bretta Floats

Dear Forever Family,
I just arrived at the Funny Farm and am having lots of fun. It was so hot today that I decided to try out that big thing with the weird salty water in it. I swam a little and then tried the float as you can see in the picture. It cooled me off a little bit but not much because the water temperature is 88 degrees and I'm black. It sure was fun though. Then some kids were swimming and doing laps which just got me so excited. I raced them from one end to the other. I won every time. Maybe the kids should try the doggy paddle instead of the windmill type thing they were doing.

I'm doing better at not peeing in the house too. I like it when Mrs. FF praises me when I go outside. She takes me out a lot too which is good cause sometimes I don't even realize I have to go and then opps, too late. Mrs. FF is getting better at reading my signals or just knowing it's been a little while.

I love all the buckets they have for water around here too. My muzzle gets so hot that I like to just submerge it into the water.

Well, that's all for now. I have to rest a bit after being outside in the hot weather and floating in the pool. Plus Badger and I have a playdate for later this afternoon. Come get me soon. Mrs. FF doesn't want you to miss out on all of my cute puppy antics.

Love and kisses,

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