
Water Break

Bretta is doing great here and we love having her. She is just so sweet. She is so funny to watch when she gets a drink. She sticks her entire muzzle in the bucket and swishes it around and around. I can't tell if she's just having fun or if she's looking for ice. I put some ice in the bucket the other day and she had a great time fishing it out. I just love this girl.

We went to the dog park again today and everyone she met wondered what she was and commented how sweet she was. I had several people even say they'd love to have her but already have two or three dogs themselves.

She is such a character. When someone approaches her to pet her she loves it. She looks at them and then kind of just flops right down for belly rubs. If you've never had a dog, this girl would be perfect. She's so easy. She tires easily, is almost fully potty trained, and hardly barks at all. She'd be good in a family with kids or even with an older adult. When she gets the occasional sock, I just say, "No", and she drops it. She'd be good with another dog too. She's fine with my cats as well. Pepper even rubs up on Bretta. Well, that's all for now. We'll just keep on loving her until her forever family comes for her.

Thanks for thinking rescue!!
Mrs. FF

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