
More Dog park fun

As if you can't tell, we love going to the dog park. I got a great shot of Bretta just enjoying the dogs, the people, and the sun. I put her little "rescue" neckerchief on so people would know she's available for adoption. She does have an application that is being processed so we'll see. I can't believe I might have to give this sweet girl up. Especially since she hasn't had an accident in the house in I don't know how long now.

Forever family, you have to send me updates and pictures. I promise to write a really good "happy tale" for the newsletter in a few months too. I thought Badger would have a hard time with Lyndee going but then Bretta came in and took her spot. I might just have one sad doggy over here for a while. They are bffs. She doesn't weigh as much as Lyndee so it doesn't hurt as bad when she lays on Badger. lol

Well, I have more cute pictures to share from the dog park.

Thanks for thinking rescue. These are the best dogs ever!
Mrs. FF

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