
Lyndee Lou loves to snuggle

Hi Forever Family,
My foster Mom took some cute shots of me doing what I love...snuggling. I love snuggling in the older boys bed with him but I can't stay cause that's where my older foster sister sleeps and she says there's no room for me. Plus my foster Mom doesn't like to wake up to her shoes being chewed up so I have to sleep in my kennel at night. I'm getting better at fighting the urge to chew shoes but socks is another story. I just love soft socks to chew on. Kinsey told me they don't have soft toys cause of her obsession with tearing things apart. She loves the feel of the stuffing in her mouth.
As much as I love it here, I just feel like something is missing. I want my own family to love and snuggle with. I'd also really like a brother or sister to play with. Even though I'm a pretty mellow dog, I like to play and romp with friends. Badger is great for that. My foster Mom let me run around a little yesterday as I only had one day until I am off restrictions. I love to play hide and seek in the bushes and I've figured out that Kinsey can't get me when I run past the electric fence. Sometimes she gets a little upset but then I'll let her catch me a little. She's fast though. Much faster than me. It's probably those long legs. Well, I better go before my foster Mom catches me. It's so hot today that I might just take another swim. Until then, I'll be waiting here for you, forever family.
Love and kisses(lots of slobbery ones according to f. Mom),

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